Friday, July 27, 2018


Greece is a beautiful place in the Mediterranean. It has blue waters, olive trees, great focaccia, but most important, rich history. Ancient Greece is the place where democracy all started, and without Democracy, who knows what our government system would be like today. One of the main places that I want to visit in Greece, is the Parthenon. This temple was dedicated to the goddess, Athena, who was the patron goddess of Athens. Many famous scholars lived in Athens, such as Socrates, Aristotle, and Plato. Greece was a place of great development in war tactics, academics, and government. Greece holds great history and I can not wait to visit this place!


  1. the rich history of Greece is definitely what appeals to me most as well! Greek mythology has always been one of my favorite things to learn about, to visit the home of all the stories would be amazing!

  2. I agree with you when you said that Greece is a place full of history. The architectural aspect of their buildings/temples are interesting as well. I personally saw the Shipwreck Beach in Greece from a movie and it's on my bucket list. I think you chose a great picture to represent this country.



For my last post of this semester, I would like to visit France. France is a beautiful country. The two places that I have to visit are the ...